Post your lesson plan objective and a detailed description of how your group will teach the first ten minutes of your lesson in the comments section.
- Who will be performing which tasks, introducing which words, etc.
- A list of any materials you will need for this segment of your lesson (Powerpoint with images of the words, real items that you will show the students, photographs, etc.)
- An opportunity for the students to HEAR, SEE, and SAY each word multiple times.
Para: lunes, el diecinueve de abril
First we will all hold up a cut out of each shape. Then we will ask them what the shape is called (in english). After they all say the Shape in enlish we will repeat it in spanish. We will tell them to repeat the shape in spanish until they have prefected saying it correctly enough. Last we will pass the shapes around the group of kids and have them say the shapes again in spanish.
Our objective is to teach the students how to say cat, dog, rat, snake, and horse in spanish. For our first ten minutes we will be using large flashcards that have pictures of pets on them. Each person in our group will be holding at least one flashcard. Chase will be holding the picture of the cat. Jason will be holding the picture of the dog. Sammy will be holding the pictures of the rat and the snake. Julie will be holding the picture of the horse. First we will each hold up our pictures and ask the students to say the name of the pet in English. Then we will say the name of the pet in Spanish and ask them to repeat it.
Our objective is to teach the second graders how to spell and understand five farm animals in Spanish and English. These words are vaca, caballo, cerdo, perro, and gallina (cow, horse, pig, dog, and hen). We will make a powerpoint. William, Luke, and Mathias will make this and everyone will present a slide.Each slide will have a picture of the animal as well as the name of it in English and Spanish. We will show them a stuffed animal when the slide appears.The name of the animal will fly in when we repeat the words aloud. We will repeat each of the animals in English and Spanish 2-3 times. After they understand it we will motivate them with little, plastic farm animals. If they know which animal is which from English to Spanish as well as Spanish to English they will get one of these after they finish their activity later on.
-I will bring the stuffed animals of the pig and the cow.
-Sarah will bring the stuffed animals of the hen, horse, dog.
-I will also bring the little, plastic farm animals.
Westin, don't forget the objective!
ReplyDeleteOur objective is to teach the second graders how to identify and pronounce the fruits: Robbiw-Plátano, Ana- Fresa, Evan- Mango, Rachel Pera, and Dimitri- Piña. Ana, Dimitri, Robbie, Evan, and I want to create a Powerpoint. We each have selected a certain fruit to teach the students. There will be pictures of the fruit on each slide and the name. We want the students to also eat the fruit too, so we have an idea of cutting the fruit up into a cup and we say for example: "Find the fresa in your cup." And we see if they got it correct or not. We will repeat the names of the fruit at least 3 times each. If one the fruit is more difficult than the others, we will repeat that one more than the others.
-All the fruit, the person who is teaching that fruit will bring that fruit.
By the end of the class we want our kids to be able to recognize the pictures on our flash cards and say the names of the animals in spanish. each member of our group will teach the students about the animals with cards. The cards will contain the english and spanish form of the word. The cards will also contain a picture of an animal. We will use 5 pieces of paper for the cards. They will hear us say and repeat the words, they will see the large cards and pictures, and they will say and repeat it after us in the exercizes and game.
Kathlee D,
ReplyDeleteIn our group we will be teaching parts of the body vocabulary. In our group we will be doing a powerpoint and flashcards. In the powerpoint, each member of the group will do a slide. On each slide there will be a picture and then the spanish term. Then we will have the kindergarten say it and point it on their body, like mouth, they will say boca and point to their mouth. At the end of the powerpoint, there will be a quick review. Then we will have flashcards with a picture of the word and on the back the spanish translation. The kindergarteners will all have to try to guess what the spanish word is and vice versa. Our group will try our hardest to make sure they are speaking spanish. For example if we hold up a flashcard with a hand on it they will say together manos and hold up their hands.
During our activity we will like the kids to be able to recognize the shape taste and small of each of the five different fruits. We will have trays of each different fruits and makena and yasmin will be the ones taking turns handing them out, each fruit will be gone over one at a time. Lance ryan and I will say the fruits name in english and then in spanish repeating it so that the children will remember what we are saying. We will do this same process for each of the different fruits. while some people might not do as much in this activity in our other activities there will be plenty of time to get an even amount of work done by each person.
Our group will be teaching the children about clothing items. First, Brandon will take out a shirt and he will say "shirt". The children will repeat this multiple times. Then, Brandon will say "camisa". The children will repeat this again as well. Then, Tiffany will do the same with a skirt. Erin will take out a dress and do the same. Eugenio will take out a sweater and repeat the pattern. Everyone (in our teaching group) will take out a belt and say belt. The kids will repeat. We will say the name of each of these clothing items in spanish until they memorize it. Each of these presentations will take about 1-2 minutes. After we complete this step of our lesson, we will make sure they have memorized it well enough to spell it (we will assist them). Everyone in our group will be participating in both halves of our presentation to make it fair.
ReplyDelete-Erin T. :)
--Redo --
ReplyDeleteIn my group there is me makena lance yasmin and ryan. The objective of our students to be able to tell the difference between five fruits by their shape and size. Makena will take the time to make big flash cards with a picture of the fruit and then the name of it in spanish and english. we will bring in a small watermelon, plastic grapes, a mango, a pineapple(which we will take extra care with as not to let the kids hurt themselves with the sharp leaves) a strawberry in a plastic bag (so not to get smashed and make a mess). the kids will all sit in a circle in the class. We will start out with passing out one fruit at a time, once a kid gets the fruit yasmin will hold up the flash card and the child will say the name of the fruit in spanish, then he will pass it on to the next child and he will do the same, until the fruit has made it all around the circle. then the next fruit will be passed around and the same process will be done, with the flash card held up by another member of the group. we will help any and all of them with pronouncing the name. at the end we will review each fruit again by holding up the fruit and the flash card and saying the fruits name in spanish and in english.
The objective is for the students to be able to say and remember 5 zoo animals in Spanish.
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning, Sierra will introduce the word. She will first say the animal in English, and then Spanish. The students will have to repeat the animal again in Spanish. This process will be repeated 5 times for each animal. The slide show will be going behind her with pictures. She will also use a stuffed animal of each zoo animal. Then Jeremy will come out. This will be an exercise to keep the children on task and listening. Jeremy will hold one of the stuffed animals and say what is is; first in English, then in Spanish. He will then throw it to any of the students quickly, and they will have to repeat it. This will be done with each animal twice.
Isabelle will be sitting with the students during this time, also acting as an example.
Later she will explain the worksheet directions.
Group: Emily, Isabelle, Sierra, Jonny, Thomas, and Jeremy.