Post your lesson plan game / activity and a detailed description of how your group will teach the second ten minutes of your lesson in the comments section.
- Who will be performing which tasks
-How you will encourage your students to speak only in Spanish during this segment
- A list of any materials you will need for this segment of your lesson (Any items that your game or activity)
- An opportunity for the students to practice HEARING, SEEING, and SAYING each word multiple times.
Para: martes, el veinte de abril
Our group consists of Me, Makena, Yasmin, Lance, and Justin. We are planning on having one student come up at a time, and we will quiz them on the name of one fruit. For example: we would say, "find the uvas." Then, they would pick out the grapes, and say "uvas." They would then take a bit out of the fruit, and go back to their seat. This would help them to learn the vocabulary using their "taste" sense. We will make sure that they DON'T speak ANY spanish WHAT SO EVER! For our assignment we will need, grapes, pineapples, watermelons, mangoes, and melon. I will be telling them to name the fruits, Justin and Lance will be helping people to only speak spanish, and Yasmin and Makena will be helping people with the fruit. Pineapples are sharp, so it can be a safety issue.
ReplyDelete-Ryan H
The posters of each animal will be past around to the children in a circle on the floor. After they each say each animal, we will repeatedly ask them what each animal animals means in spanish. Chase and Samuel will be in the circle participating. Julie and Jason will be observing the children to make sure everything is going as planned... If a child speaks in english we start over (: or everyone will gasp and point at the child and say "Espano"! Though, I like the first choice. Also, in the passing posters game we will keep adding cards and make it into a "hot potato" game where they have to say the spanish name before the next card comes. Incase the kids are exceptionally bored or we need more time, I decided to make some activity sheets. We guarantee our group will do an excellent job on Friday.
Group Sammy, Jason, Julie, Chase
Our group has Manci, Nick, Talon, Me, and Collin. First we will separate the group into two groups/teams. We will have Manci standing up in front with cards and Nick at the white board to draw the tic-tac-toe outline. Talon and Collin will help teammates if they are stuck on a word. I will call on the person who raises their hand for the answer. When Manci raises the card the animal's name will be written in english. The students will raise there hands to say the answer in Spanish. THe person who gets it correct will get to draw a x or o depending on the team. We will need the white board and markers (for the white board). If the team wins they get Spanish coins (pesos) from Manci.
ReplyDelete- Kalynn S.
For our group's lesson plan game/activity for the second ten minutes of our presentation we will bring a word map beach ball. The activity will be for the 2nd graders to form a circle on the ground and give one of them the beach ball and ask them to find a continent in the ball and to say it in Spanish. That 2nd grader will have to pass the ball to a classmate and ask him or her to find an specific continent and say it in spanish, the activity will be done when every kid had had a turn. George and Ryan will help the kids with the activity and Ellie, Ana Lo, and Libby will make sure that every kid is speaking only in Spanish. We will tell the kids that if everyone speaks Spanish all the lesson, they will get a piece of chocolate at the end. After the activity we will give them quiz with five questions. The words will be in spanish and there will be pictures of the continents for them to match the words and pictures.
ReplyDelete-Group: Ana Lo, Libby, Ellie, Ryan, and George.
Our activity will be a game of bingo. At the bottom of the page we have a table with each of the animals' names in English. The students are to fill the blank with the correct Spanish word. We will help them if they need it. After everyone completes that correctly we will start the game. We will play (at the minimum) 5 games. The first game will have the English names of the animals called out. The next games will have the Spanish names called out. The way we call out the names is putting all of the stuffed animals in a bag. We will then call out the English or Spanish name (depending on which game) as we take out the animal. Whoever wins a game get a plastic farm animal.
ReplyDeleteWho will be doing what?
-Mallory=making bingo card and bringing a bag and markers (for marking the bingo board)
-each one of us will be calling out animals
-whoever isn't calling, supervises and helps
Here is our game by Joe, Eugine, Brandon, Erin, and Tiffany. Joe will anounce if no one talks in English, than everyone gets a treat. The kids will be in a circle. The cloths will be in a landry basket. Tiffany will be holding a jar full of the names of the cloths in Spanish. The kids will take out a word. Erin will help them pronounce the word. They will have 15 seconds to find the piece of clothing in the basket and put it on. Brandon helps them if their 15 seconds run out, by giving them clues in Spanish. Eugenio keeps track of the time. Joe will be going around the room making sure that on one is talking in English, but Spanish. Those who talk in English don't get a treat. if a guy picks a dress or skirt, he pronounces it and picks again.
ReplyDelete-Thanks Joe D. 7th :)
O and our materials will be 3 shirts, 3 skirts, 3 belts, 3 dresses, 3 sweaters, 1 jar with words, and chez-its + pretzles
ReplyDeleteJoe D
My awesome group is: Westin, Pablo, Maddy, Abby, and Sophia. We are doing shapes. Sophia will write the 5 shapes in Spanish on the board. Abby will hand out small-cut outs of shapes with tape on the back. The kids will put their shape on the board under the word. They will say the name of the shape out loud in Spanish. Maddy will take the shapes down, mix them up, and re-hand them out. Pablo and Westin are the Spanish speaking enforcers. They will go around making the kids speak spanish.
All of the students will be sitting in a circle.
ReplyDeleteDuring this time, there will be no English spoken; only Spanish. Emily will be with them to play the game with them and act as an example. For our Group Game, we will be playing charades. Thomas will introduce the game and the directions Jonny will call up one person and whisper one of the animals to the student in Spanish. The student will then have to act out the animal. They will only be allowed to make animal sounds, because some of the animals will look the same when trying to be acted out. No other words in English can be spoken. Just like the game charades, the other students will have to raise their hands and try to say the animal first in Spanish and then in English.
Our group is Sierra, Isabelle, Jeremy, Jonny, Emily and Thomas.
Is it okay if I can show you a picture of our bingo board tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteOur group will be doing a review/memory game, for the last ten minutes. Everyone will form into a circle and one of the group members will hold up a flashcard with a picture of the word and the Spanish translation. Adn each kindertener will say the word, then another group member will hold up a different flashcard and pass is around the circle and they have to say the first flashcard plus the second one. If one of them is having trouble our group will try to give them hints. IF we have enough time we will do a fast review where we point to our hands for example and they have to try to say the Spanish translation. If one of the students are talking in Spanish excesssivley we will have to say please try to only speak in Spanish.