Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson Plan

Your lesson plan is due before school starts on jueves, el veintidos de abril. I will collect these from you before your first class in the morning. Click on the image below for an example. Don't forget to include ALL of your materials, and check for grammar and spelling errors!


Your assessment (quiz) for your lesson plan is due miércoles, el veintiuno de abril. It must be printed before class and submitted on paper.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Juego / Actividad

Post your lesson plan game / activity and a detailed description of how your group will teach the second ten minutes of your lesson in the comments section.

- Who will be performing which tasks
-How you will encourage your students to speak only in Spanish during this segment
- A list of any materials you will need for this segment of your lesson (Any items that your game or activity)
- An opportunity for the students to practice HEARING, SEEING, and SAYING each word multiple times.

Para: martes, el veinte de abril

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Objetivo y Introducción

Post your lesson plan objective and a detailed description of how your group will teach the first ten minutes of your lesson in the comments section.

- Who will be performing which tasks, introducing which words, etc.
- A list of any materials you will need for this segment of your lesson (Powerpoint with images of the words, real items that you will show the students, photographs, etc.)
- An opportunity for the students to HEAR, SEE, and SAY each word multiple times.

Para: lunes, el diecinueve de abril

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Use the comment section below to post the following:

Your first name
Your vocabulary theme proposal
Your five vocabulary words (English and Spanish)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Prueba Martes

Hay una prueba martes, el trece de abril.

Va a incluir:
- Descriptive Adjectives
- Possessive Adjectives
- Tener
- Venir

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gente... Las Familias

Para: lunes, el doce de abril