Monday, January 11, 2010

¡Examen de los Verbos de -AR: Miércoles!

Noten Uds. que va a ser un examen de verbos de -AR el miércoles.

El examen va a tener:
1) Escuchar y Escribir: Dictado
2) Apareamiento
3) Traducir del inglés al español


  1. If you have any questions about the quiz, ask them in the comments!

  2. What can we do to study?? Thanks!

  3. What does "Apreamiento" mean? Thanks!

  4. Kathleen..
    You can practice writing sentences with the verbs, review the cafecitos that involve AR verbs, create a matching review for yourself and see how well you can match the Spanish verbs to their definitions, make flashcards, or have someone recite the verbs while you write them down to practice your spelling!
