Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Las Cómicas

Requisitos del contenido:

1) Cinco verbos de -AR

2) Tres frases de conexión
Estás buscando las "frases de conexión?" Aquí estan: Frases de Conexión

3) Una expresión de "tener"


Ustedes tienen que entregar los primeros borradores de las cómicas el lunes.

¿ ¡ á é í ó ú ñ


  1. ¿Preguntas de las cómicas? Ask them here!

  2. El borrador tiene que ser en papel o por computadora?

  3. En papel. ¡Vamos a ponerlos en la computadora en la semana que viene!

  4. I have a question, Emily & I have kind of a long comic strip. If we can't fit all of it on the page, can we have a "Part 2" ?

  5. Libby, you need to create a "Part 1" and a "Part 2," then combine them into a "book" using the "bookmaker" feature on the front page of Comment back if you have any questions!

  6. once you have saved your work so far on toondoo at stellamaris, how do you get back to it so that you can keep working on it from where you left off?

  7. HELP! My toondoo shows the last cartoon box, but when you click on it, that box is empty. To see for yourself, go to the stellamaris and go to toonbooks. You will see one labeled Emily y Libby Oso De Pelunche. You will see a set of 3 finished boxes. If you click on it to read it, the 3rd box and part of the second one isn't there, even though I did it. What do I do?

  8. SORRY! Never mind! I fixed it!

  9. Glad to hear it Emily! Let me know if you have any more questions. Your ToonDoo is looking great!!

  10. umm, I am trying to fix part of my ToonDoo but I can't edit w/out restarting. please help!

  11. never mind. it is fixed!
